How to Become a Video Game Tester

Video games have only been around for a few decades, but people have wanted to make sure that products are of good quality for a lot longer. Before a product or prototype goes on sale to the public, quality control testers use it over and over again. They look for flaws in the products they test and offer ways to make them better. So many young people want to know How to Become a Video Game Tester.

Video game testers are people who work in quality control and check video games for problems with the programming, like bugs, broken apps, or visual effects that don’t work. QA testers look for more than just bugs, though.

The dream is to play games for a living, but is it a realistic dream? From the point of view of a game tester, the short answer is no. That doesn’t mean you can’t test games for a living. But making the difference between playing and testing is a very important point.

Let’s say that playing a huge number of video games over the course of your life makes you want to work in the video game industry. Many people have the chance to become a video game testers, which can be the best way to get started in the industry.

How to Become a Video Game Tester

How to Become a Video Game Tester

Gain Technical Knowledge

Getting a certification from the American Software Testing Qualification Board (ASTQB) can give you an advantage over other candidates. Most companies will hire people who have just finished high school, but you can improve your job prospects by getting a degree or certificate in computer programming, graphic design, or game development.

Participate in Public Beta Testing

There are a lot of companies that let the public try out games. You should take part in the game’s beta testing to learn how to test games and write bug reports from the ground up. The better your chances of getting a job testing games are, the more experience you have testing games.

Develop Game Testing Skills

Game development companies want to hire people who are good at playing video games and love them. You should read blogs and even start your own gaming blog to learn all the terms used in games. Companies want candidates with a wide range of relevant skills. You should find out as much as you can about games.

Build a Good Resume

To get a job testing games, you need to have a good resume. You should emphasise the skills that match what the game tester job requires. You could look online for jobs testing games and see what skills are needed for the job. Read the “core skills required” section to find out what you need to do to get the game testing job.

Make sure to check your resume for mistakes before you post it. Your application could be turned down if you make a mistake with grammar or spelling. Companies want to hire people who pay attention to the details. Your resume is the first thing that an employer will look at.

Look for a Full-Time Position

Most jobs for game testers are either part-time or on a contract basis. Some also need work to be done at home. But most advertised full-time jobs require more experience in the field. You should look for a full-time job testing games at a large, well-known company that makes games.

Companies that hire full-time workers have to give them benefits like retirement plans, health care, and more. But if you can’t find a full-time job, you should look for a part-time job to get some experience. This will make it more likely that you’ll find your dream job.

Know where to Find Video Game Tester Jobs

Different websites list jobs for game testers. Indeed, Upwork, Glassdoor, and Gaming Jobs Online are some of the job sites where you can find new game tester jobs. You can also look for game tester jobs by going to the websites of game companies like Square Enix, EA, and Ubisoft.

Last but not least, you should read Land a Job as a Video Game Tester by Jason W. Bay. The book has advice on how to get a job as a game tester. This book has advice on how to get ready for an interview for a job as a game tester.

What Do Video Game Testers Do?

Video game testers are hired by tech companies to check games carefully for bugs, glitches, and other mistakes. They are also called “Beta Testers” or “Game Testers” for short. Quality Assurance (QA) Tester is the name of the job title. Before a game comes out to the public, the work helps developers find technical and creative problems that users might have.

A video game tester’s job is a subtle mix of playing the game and breaking it. The agent moves through a video game on purpose, looking at and playing through every level, going through every menu, and using every type of character in order to find flaws in the system.

A video game tester has to do a lot of different things in a game to find both small and big problems. For instance, when a player gets stuck in a certain spot or when a character’s movement graphic doesn’t work right. There are millions of ways a bug could happen, but video game testers catch almost all of them.

A video game tester’s job is to play a game in as many different ways as possible and tell their employers what they did and what they found. Testers will try actions and game play that the developers might not have thought of in order to find bugs that can be fixed before the game comes out.


Is it hard to become a game tester?

It’s not always easy to become a video game tester, but big game companies need passionate gamers to try out their games. Video game testers are very important to the process of making a video game because it is their job to find bugs and glitches and report them before the game is released to the public.

Is game testing a good career?

As a game tester, you get paid a lot of money because you get to sit and play new games for hours, looking for bugs and flaws before they can be sold to customers.

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