How to Enable and Disable Dark Mode in Safari Browser

How to Enable and Disable Dark Mode in Safari Browser; If you spend a lot of time on your iPhone or Mac reading articles on the web, your eyes will probably hurt after a few hours of staring at the screen. Bright light and small font make it hard on the eyes, give you headaches, and make it hard to concentrate.

Dark Mode has been around for a long time on Windows. Now, Safari users on iOS devices can finally use it. You can get an add-on for your Safari browser and stay up all night reading articles. Find out how to turn on Dark Mode on your iOS device by reading on.

Benefits of Dark Mode in Safari Browser

  • Reduced eye strain: Dark mode uses dark colors and usually has light text on a dark background to reduce eye strain. This lowers the contrast between the screen and the rest of the room, which can help your eyes feel less tired when you’re browsing at night or in low light. It can be especially helpful for people who use their devices for long periods of time.
  • Improved readability: The dark mode can make text easier to read because the dark background makes the light-colored text stand out more. This can make reading text on websites easier and clearer, reducing eye strain and making reading more enjoyable overall.
How to Enable and Disable Dark Mode in Safari Browser
  • Longer battery life (for some types of displays): Devices with OLED or AMOLED displays can save battery life by using the dark mode. Since each pixel in these display technologies gives off its own light, showing a dark background uses less power than showing a bright white background. So, turning on dark mode in Safari can help compatible devices save battery life, especially when browsing for a long time.
  • Aesthetics: Many users like the way dark mode looks and like the way a dark color scheme looks. The dark backgrounds can give the Safari browser a sleek and modern look, making it easier to use and giving it a more personal look.

How to Enable and Disable Dark Mode in Safari Browser

  1. Open the “Settings” app on your iOS device.
  2. Scroll down and tap on “Display & Brightness.”
  3. In the Display & Brightness settings, look for the “Appearance” section.
  4. Tap on “Dark” to enable dark mode or select “Light” to disable dark mode.
  5. Close the Settings app, and Safari and other apps on your iOS device will reflect the chosen appearance.

Automatic Dark Mode based on System Settings

  • Consistency: Automatic dark mode makes sure that the application’s display mode is the same as the setting for the whole system. This makes the look and feel of different applications and system interfaces the same, so they all look and feel the same.
  • Seamless transition: With the automatic dark mode, you don’t have to switch between the light and dark modes by hand. The app, like Safari, automatically adjusts to the system settings, making the switch between light and dark modes smooth and easy.
  • System integration: Since automatic dark mode uses the system-wide setting, it works well with the rest of the operating system. It makes it possible to design a consistent user interface and makes sure that the way an application looks matches the user’s preferred system-wide display mode.
  • Accessibility: The automatic dark mode can help people who have trouble seeing or who are sensitive to bright light. When applications like Safari follow the system-wide dark mode setting, it makes browsing easier and more comfortable, especially in low-light situations.

Dark Mode Extensions and Plugins for Safari Browser

  • Dark Reader: is a popular browser extension that can be added to Safari and other browsers. It gives websites a dark look that makes them easier on the eyes. It lets you change things and lets you put sites
  • Midnight Lizard: is an extension for Safari that lets you change how the dark mode looks. It gives you different dark colour schemes and lets you change the levels of brightness, contrast, and saturation. It also has settings for each site and can be synchronized across multiple devices.
  • Turn Off the Lights: Turn Off the Lights is not a dark mode extension, but it makes the whole page darker except for the video or other media you are watching. This can make it feel like you’re in a movie theatre and make it easier to focus on the video.
  • Dark Mode for Safari: This extension adds a dark mode toggle to Safari, making it easy to switch between light and dark modes. It gives you options that let you change how dark mode looks to your liking.


Is there a dark mode in Safari browser?

Safari automatically shows a website in Dark Mode if the website has been designed to support it. If the website doesn’t support Dark Mode, you can use Safari Reader to read articles in Dark Mode.

How do I turn off dark mode on Safari Mobile?

Step 1: Open Control Center on your iPhone and long-press the brightness slider. Step 3: Tap on the Dark mode button at the bottom to turn off dark mode on your iOS device. Tip: Check out the best tips to use Control Center on iPhone.

Why does dark mode keep turning on iPhone Safari?

It sounds like Dark Mode is set to automatic on your iPhone. We’ll be glad to point you in the right direction to change this setting. “To turn Dark Mode on automatically at sunset or at a specific time, go to Settings > Display & Brightness and select Automatic. Then tap Options to set a schedule for Dark Mode.”

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