Fix: ‘Entry Point Not Found’ Error on Windows

Fix Entry Point Not Found Error on Windows that means a file is missing or corrupted in a certain process, making it impossible to start the program. In particular, this happens when a DLL file is affected, such as msvrt.dll, api-ms-win-core libraryloader l1-1-1.dll, SQLite.dll, and many others.

This error can happen when you try to open or install different programs or games, like iTunes, Photoshop, Trillian, or Grand Theft Auto V. Still, this problem is especially frustrating because it keeps people from using their device the way it was meant to be used, and not being able to open multiple programs is a big problem that needs to be fixed.

Because of this, this article should help you fix the “Entry Point Not Found” error for good. This error message usually tells you which entry point is affected (path) and which DLL file is missing, damaged, or corrupted.

Fix: ‘Entry Point Not Found’ Error on Windows

Install the program that includes the file

  1. As I said in the example above, msvcrt.dll is part of the Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package for (X86).
  2. Therefore, to replace the file, I can download the Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package directly from the Microsoft website.
  3. If you can identify the exact DLL file referenced in the error message syntax, you can do the same as long as the source of the file is trustworthy.
  4. Trustworthy, in this context, means from Microsoft or another trusted source.

Restore the Missing DLL File

  1. DLL files are typically automatically installed when you install apps,
  2. we rarely need to download them manually.
  3. However, sometimes, the security software we use can quarantine or delete some of these files, believing they are malicious.
  4. So, once you have disabled the antivirus, you should check the list of files that Microsoft Defender or your antivirus has quarantined.
  5. If you find the missing DLL file in that list, you can restore it.
Fix Entry Point Not Found Error on Windows

Disable the Microsoft Defender Firewall or Antivirus

  1. Microsoft Defender or the antivirus software you use can block the app’s access to a DLL file that the app fails to find. The security software can also delete a DLL file if they deem it a threat. So, you should disable the Microsoft Defender Firewall or any antivirus software you use. By doing so, you can rule out both of these possibilities.
  2. After disabling Microsoft Defender or antivirus, run the app or software again. If you encounter the same error again, the app’s lack of access to the DLL file is probably not the issue; the DLL file is most likely missing.

What is an ‘Entry Point Not Found’ Error?

The “Entry Point Not Found” error is a common message that appears when you try to run a software application or program on a Windows operating system. It usually means that an application is trying to use a function or DLL file that cannot be found or is not accessible for some reason. When a program starts up, it may need a certain DLL file to work right.

A lot of Windows programs and applications can’t work without DLL files. They hold code and data that can be used by many programs at once. This makes them an important part of the operating system.


What is entry point not found in office setup?

Entry Point Not Found is an error that indicates that there is a missing or corrupted file within a particular process, which results in the program’s inability to launch.

How do I reset my point in Windows 10?

In the Control Panel search box, type recovery. Select Recovery > Open System Restore. In the Restore system files and settings box, select Next. Select the restore point that you want to use in the list of results, and then select Scan for affected programs.

What is the error code for location not found?

The 404 code means that a server could not find a client-requested webpage. Variations of the error message include “404 Error,” “404 Page Not Found” and “The requested URL was not found.”

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