Github vs Gitlab: choosing the best version control platform

GitHub is a web-based service and platform that lets you host version control repositories. It focuses mostly on Git, which is a distributed system for keeping track of changes to files. Developers can work together on projects on GitHub, track changes to code, and manage how software is made. It has features like code hosting, pull requests, issue tracking, project management tools, and a large community of developers who can contribute to open source projects. The software development industry uses GitHub a lot, and it has become a central place to share and work on code.

GitLab is also a web-based version control platform, just like GitHub. GitLab, on the other hand, stands out because it offers a more complete DevOps platform that goes beyond just version control. GitLab does more than just host Git repositories. It also has issue tracking, continuous integration and deployment pipelines, project management tools, a registry for containers, and more. GitLab can be used both as a cloud-based service and as a self-hosted solution, which gives organizations more control over their code and infrastructure. Its goal is to offer a complete solution for the whole software development lifecycle, from start to finish. GitLab is becoming more popular, especially among companies that want a single platform for all of their development needs.

Github vs Gitlab: Pricing

GitLab and GitHub have similar pricing structures. Both offer free plans for open-source projects (with no limit on the number of collaborators) and paid plans for private repositories with different levels of features depending on which pricing tier the user or organization chooses.

But GitHub is less expensive per collaborator (depending on how many collaborators are added) than its competitor. The team plan on GitHub costs $44 per user per year, while the premium plan, which is similar, costs $228 per user per year. GitLab’s enterprise option costs $1188 per user per year, while GitHub’s costs $231 per user per year.

Github vs Gitlab Comparison Table

The platform for each philosophy is GitHub and GitLab. GitLab is more focused on giving web developers a centralized, integrated platform with a features-based system than GitHub is. This is because GitHub is more focused on infrastructure performance.

PricingFree for open source projects, paid plans for private projectsFree for open source projects, paid plans for private projects and organizations
FeaturesCode management, issue tracking, wiki, code review, continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD), code scanning, security features, and moreCode management, issue tracking, wiki, code review, CI/CD, code scanning, security features, continuous delivery, and more
User interfaceSimple and easy to useMore complex and feature-rich
WorkflowGitHub FlowGitLab Flow
CommunityLarge and active communitySmaller community, but growing rapidly
IntegrationsMany third-party integrations availableMore integrated with other GitLab products
SupportExcellent support, available 24/7Good support, available 24/7

Github vs Gitlab: Usability and user interface

Github vs Gitlab

GitLab seems a little clearer at first because of its clean graphical user interface. This is why many people who use the platform say it is easier and more intuitive to use. For example, in GitLab, issues can be organized and managed in a board view as well as in a list view. GitLab has another big advantage over GitHub: its user interface (UI) can be scaled and changed to fit any size screen, while GitHub’s size is fixed. GitLab is often a better option than GitHub for viewing on mobile devices because of this.

GitLab is a tool that makes it easier to edit and write code because it has an integrated development environment (IDE). On the other hand, GitHub has only a simple text editor. To be fair, though, we should say that these differences don’t matter much if you use the platforms on a desktop and integrate them into third-party editors or IDEs, since you won’t see much of the actual interface anyway. If you have never used either of these tools before, learning how to use them will take about the same amount of time.

Github vs Gitlab: Integrations

Github vs Gitlab

You can easily connect your workflow with GitHub’s many integrations, which include everything from issue trackers to deployment tools. It also works with webhooks, which let you know when certain things happen in your repository, like when new commits are made or when pull requests are opened. Since GitHub has been around since 2008 and is the most popular place to store software, it works with other popular platforms like Slack and Microsoft Teams.

GitLab also has a lot of integrations, like webhooks and issue trackers, that you can use. GitLab’s main draw is how well it works as a platform for DevOps. Continuous integration, continuous development, and a DevOps workflow are all built into GitLab. This makes it easy for developers to get started, since all the tools they need are right there in GitLab. GitLab lets you do everything that GitHub lets you do through third-party integrations and workarounds for DevOps workflow and CI/CD.

Github vs Gitlab: Features

Since they’re both git version control platforms, GitHub and GitLab have a lot of the same features. The main difference between the two is how users get to the features. On GitHub, you might need apps and third-party integrations more often to use features like continuous integration and delivery, time tracking and load, and browser performance testing. GitLab, on the other hand, is more direct and has a lot more to offer. On GitLab’s pricing page, you can see a full list of all of its features. Just make sure that your plan can support the features you need.

Github vs Gitlab: Software services

Github vs Gitlab

Another big difference is that GitLab gives you everything you need to make software. They say on their website that they are a full DevOps platform for a reason. GitLab does, however, integrate with a number of third-party apps and platforms, such as Jira, Microsoft Teams, Slack, Gmail, and many others.

GitHub, on the other hand, has fewer services within its own program, but you can connect it to a lot of other services and programs. There are also hundreds of other programs available through the GitHub Marketplace. Some of these are programs that GitHub has worked on to make them work with the service.

Github vs Gitlab: Security

Github vs Gitlab

Security is the most important thing for any project, so whether you choose GitHub or GitLab, it must have foolproof security, scanning, and DevSecOps. The event-trigger scan feature on GitHub is great and makes your projects safer. You can also change how your vulnerabilities are defined and set up a schedule for your security scans to run automatically. Adding this to the Static Application Security Testing feature will make you very happy. Even though GitLab doesn’t have an event-triggered scan, it does have the same SAST feature as GitHub.

GitLab also has API fuzzing and Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST), which you can’t do on GitHub. It comes with built-in IAC scanning, testing for containers, and license compliance. GitLab’s vulnerability risk indicator is the cherry on top. This divides security risks into four groups: critical, high, medium, and low. This way, you can figure out how serious a security risk is. GitLab has more built-in security tools than GitHub. This means that GitLab is a better choice for security. So, GitLab is ahead of the pack when it comes to DevSecOps and security scanning.

Github: Pros and Cons


  • Large and active community.
  • Feature-rich platform.
  • Integration and ecosystem.
  • Version control with Git.
  • Public and private repositories.


  • Pricing for private repositories.
  • Learning curve for Git and GitHub.
  • Limited storage and file size.

Gitlab: Pros and Cons


  • Comprehensive DevOps platform.
  • Git repository hosting.
  • Issue tracking and project management tools.
  • CI/CD pipelines.
  • Can be self-hosted.


  • Smaller community compared to GitHub.
  • Limited third-party integrations.
  • User interface and user experience.
  • Performance and speed at times.

Github vs Gitlab: which one should you consider?

Both GitHub and Bitbucket are popular places to keep track of changes to code and work together on it. GitHub is good for open source projects and larger teams because it has a larger and more active community, more integrations, and more features. Bitbucket has unlimited free private repositories, tight integration with the Atlassian suite, and built-in CI/CD pipelines. This makes it a good choice for individuals or smaller teams that care about privacy and smooth project management. In the end, the choice between GitHub and Bitbucket depends on what the development team needs and wants.


Why is GitHub more popular than GitLab?

One of the main reasons why GitHub is more popular than GitLab is that GitHub was around first. It came out in 2008, while GitLab came out in 2011 as an open source project. But GitLab is starting to catch up with built-in features for continuous integration and a free option for private servers that you host yourself.

Is GitLab free or paid?

In our Free tier, you can use most of GitLab’s features for free, and that won’t change. Our paid plans have more features that managers, directors, and executives will find useful.

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