How to Disable Laptop keyboard on Windows 11

You may not always want your laptop’s keyboard to accept input. This is usually because you’re connecting an external keyboard, either because the built-in one is broken or because you want more typing space with a full-sized keyboard. However, because the keyboard is an essential component of your portable computer, disabling its primary input method is a little more difficult. In this article we will try to teach you how to Disable Laptop keyboard on Windows 11.

The keyboard is one of the most important peripherals of a PC/Laptop because it allows users to type. For typing, laptop users frequently connect an external keyboard. Because the keys on laptop keyboards are much smaller than those on external keyboards, the latter provides a more comfortable typing experience.

Aside from the convenience, many users use an external keyboard when the keyboard on their laptop is broken or not working. If you use an external keyboard with your laptop, you may want to disable the built-in keyboard to save battery life. Below we have mention the steps to turn off laptop keyboard.

How to Disable Windows 11 Laptop keyboard

Temporarily Disable Laptop Keyboard

  • Next to Keyboards, select the arrow icon to expand the list of connected keyboards and associated devices.
  • Right-click your keyboard’s name and select Uninstall device.
  • Your laptop’s keyboard and its trackpad, if present, will now stop working.

Permanently Lock Keyboard on Laptop

  • In start menu Type Device Installation Settings.
  • Select change device installation settings.
  • Select No.
  • Select Save Changes.

Final Words

We hope you like our article on methods to Disable Laptop keyboard on Windows 11 will help your and resolve all your problems. If your laptop keyboard is too small for typing, the keyboard is broken or you want to disable the laptop built-in keyboard in Windows 11 for some reason. If you want to know how to do it then follow the steps mentioned above.

I hope you understand this article, How to Disable Laptop keyboard on Windows 11.

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