How to Enable Two Factor Authentication In Rocket League

Psyonix and Epic Games recently released a new update for Rocket League that, in addition to fixing a slew of annoying bugs, will require all players to enable 2-factor authentication in order to conduct player-to-player trades. Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) is now available in Rocket League thanks to the latest update (Patch 1.93). As a result, in-game trading now requires Two-Factor Authentication. This article is about how to Enable Two Factor Authentication In Rocket League.

Psyonix has always encouraged Rocket League players to enable 2FA for security reasons. However, the Rocket League patch 1.93 update required players to enable 2FA (Two-factor authentication) on their accounts. Apart from using a strong password and linking their platform accounts, this feature is one of the many ways players can secure their accounts. The addition of 2FA increased the security of player accounts and added another layer of security to game trading.

How to Set Up 2FA In Rocket League

  • Visit
  • Sign in to your account.
  • You need an Epic Games account to trade, so you should already have an account set up here. If no, make one.
  • Click on “Account”.
  • Select the “Password & Security” button in the left menu.
  • Scroll down this tab and you should see a Two-Factor Authentication section at the bottom of the page.
  • You need to choose between; Enable Authenticator app, Enable SMS Authentication or Enable Email Authentication.

Final Words

So, here we conclude our article on how to turn on Two Factor Authentication In Rocket League. If you also want to know how to enable and use Two Factor Authentication In Rocket League then follow the steps mentioned above.

I hope you understand this article, How to Enable Two Factor Authentication In Rocket League.

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