How to Fix the ‘Missing Google Search Bar Widget’ Issue on Your Android Device

Widgets are among the best productivity features of an Android device. Specifically, the Google search bar is one of the most used widgets and is typically located on the home screen of Android devices. However, some users may encounter an issue where the Google search bar widget goes missing. In this article, we discuss various solutions to fix the issue.

How to Install the Google Search Bar Widget Manually

If the Google search bar widget is missing, you can manually install it by:

  • Long-pressing on the home screen to open the home screen settings page
  • Selecting ‘Widgets’
  • Scrolling down to widgets with the alphabet ‘G’
  • Finding the Google search bar widget and long-pressing it, then dragging and dropping it anywhere on the home screen
  • You can also resize the widget to fit your preference

Using Google Assistant as an Alternative

If you don’t want the Google search bar widget to take up space on your home screen, you can use the Google Assistant feature instead. To do so, just say ‘Ok Google’ to summon the wizard and speak your query.

Installing the Google app on Your Android Device

The Google search app is also an alternative to the missing Google search bar widget. Just go to the Play Store, search for the Google app, and install it. If it’s already pre-installed on your device, you can use it for any query.

Using the Google Chrome Browser

The Google Chrome browser app also has a built-in Google search bar, which works in the same way as the widget. Just open the Chrome browser and enter your query.

Updating Your System Software

If the Google search bar widget doesn’t show up, you may need to update your Android device’s system software. Go to ‘Settings,’ then ‘System,’ and tap on ‘System update.’ If an update is available, proceed with the installation.

Final Remarks

Now that you’ve learned how to fix the missing Google search bar widget issue, you can boost your productivity and enjoy the convenience of having it on your home screen. Share this article with others who may encounter the same problem!


Can I manually install the Google search bar widget on any Android device?

Yes, you can customize widgets in the Android operating system and manually install the Google search bar widget.

Is Google Assistant as efficient as the Google search bar widget?

Yes, Google Assistant can provide the same results as the Google search bar widget and is summoned via a voice command.

Is the Google search app the same as the Google search bar widget?

Yes, they both work similarly and can be used for any query.

What should I do if none of these solutions work?

You can try resetting your device to its factory settings or contacting your device’s customer support for further assistance.

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