Best Push Notification Services 2024: to boost user engagement

Your application server sends the content of a notification and device tokens to your push notification service API.

The best Push notification Services is designed to assist businesses in sending direct messages to customers’ computers or mobile devices. These notifications are important alerts or updates that are meant to get customers to go back to an app or website. These solutions are usually used by marketing teams.

Some tools can send push notifications through both apps and web browsers, while others only work with one type. One of the most important things about push notification software is that it lets you change the text and look of a message completely within the platform. Also, these tools should have full analytics that let businesses track things like the number of messages delivered and the number of click-throughs. Below we have mentioned the best Push notification Services.

Importance of Push Notifications for Websites and Apps

Push notifications are an important way for websites and apps to communicate with users, and they have many benefits for both businesses and users. Some of the most important reasons why push notifications are important are as follows:

Real-Time Engagement:

Push notifications let users interact with businesses in real time, so businesses can reach their audience right away. Whether it’s a special offer, an important update, or a personalized message, push notifications send information directly to the devices of users. This makes sure that users can get the information when they need it.

Increased User Retention

Push notifications can significantly increase the number of users who stick around. Businesses can remind users about their app or website, get them to come back, and keep them interested by sending them relevant and targeted notifications. This regular interaction helps people remember the brand and makes them more likely to keep using the app or website.

Content that is personalized and can be changed:

Push notifications can be changed based on the user’s likes, habits, and demographics. With this level of customization, businesses can send personalized messages to each user, which makes it more likely that the user will take action. By using user data, businesses can make content that is highly relevant and useful, which gives users a better experience.

Key Factors to Consider When Choosing a Push Notification Service

There are a few important things to think about when picking a push notification service. These things will help you figure out if a service is right for your needs. Here are some things to think about:

Reliability of delivery:

One of the most important things is how well the push notification service works. You want a service that can always send notifications to your users on time and without any problems. Look for a service that has a high rate of successful deliveries and a solid infrastructure.


Think about how well the push notification service can grow. Make sure that the service can handle the possibility that the number of users will grow without slowing down. Check to see if the service can send notifications to a lot of people at the same time.

Platform support:

Find out if the push notification service works with the platforms your audience uses. Think about whether or not you need to support iOS, Android, web browsers, or other platforms. Choose a service that supports all of your platforms.

Best Push Notification Services Comparison Table

In the table below, you can see how the best push notification services compare to each other. These services provide easy and effective ways to reach users and interact with them on different platforms. The table analyzes key features such as ease of use, customization options, targeting capabilities, pricing plans, analytics, and integration possibilities. It shows you the good points and bad points of each service, so you can make an informed choice based on your own needs.

PlatformFeaturesIntegrationPricingUser InterfaceOfficial Link
OmnisendEmail marketing, SMS marketing, Automation, SegmentationShopify, Magento, WooCommerce, BigCommerceSubscription-based plans based on the number of subscribersIntuitive and user-friendlyVisit Website
OneSignalPush notifications, In-app messaging, Email integration, SegmentationAndroid, iOS, WebFree plan available, paid plans based on the number of subscribersSimple and easy to useVisit Website
PushEngagePush notifications, Drip campaigns, Segmentation, A/B testingWordPress, Shopify, Magento, WooCommerce, DrupalSubscription-based plans based on the number of subscribersClean and user-friendlyVisit Website
CleverTapPush notifications, In-app messaging, Email marketing, AnalyticsAndroid, iOS, WebCustom pricing based on usage and featuresFeature-rich and intuitiveVisit Website
PusherReal-time notifications, In-app messaging, Chat functionalityWeb, Android, iOSFree plan available, paid plans based on usage and featuresDeveloper-friendly and scalableVisit Website
WebEngagePush notifications, In-app messaging, Email marketing, Surveys, AnalyticsWeb, Android, iOSCustom pricing based on usage and featuresComprehensive and user-friendlyVisit Website

Omnisend #Top3

Best Push Notification Services


  • Personalized push notifications are available on a multichannel marketing automation platform.
  • Allows for grouping and targeting based on how users act
  • Offers automated customer engagement workflows.

Omnisend is one of the push notification services that are changing the way people interact with businesses. Its powerful features make it easy for businesses to create and send out personalized messages right away. Omnisend increases sales and keeps clients by sending cart reminders and updates to products. Alerts are easy to set up and can be used to create a unique marketing experience. Still, this is one of the best Push Notification Services you can consider now.


  • Marketing can be done through multiple channels, like email and SMS.
  • Some users say that there are sometimes glitches and bugs.
  • For more advanced features, you may have to pay more.


  • Some users say that there are sometimes glitches and bugs.
  • For more advanced features, you may have to pay more.

OneSignal #Top3

Best Push Notification Services


  • Push notification service that is used a lot
  • It works with iOS, Android, and the Web.
  • Offers the ability to divide and target audiences
  • Offers analytics in real time and A/B testing

OneSignal is a well-known push notification service that helps businesses keep in touch with their customers in the best way possible. Its powerful features and easy-to-use interface make it easy to send personalized messages across many platforms. OneSignal is one of the push notification tools that help businesses stay in touch with their customers and get them more involved by sending them targeted promotions or alerts. Overall, this is one of the best Push Notification Services you can consider now.


  • There is a free plan for basic push notification features.
  • Easy to set up and use with a number of different platforms.
  • There are options for targeting and grouping.


  • Compared to other services, there aren’t as many ways to customize it.
  • There are not as many advanced features for analytics and reporting.

PushEngage #Top3

Best Push Notification Services


  • Web and mobile push notification service
  • Automatic alerts and drip campaigns are possible.
  • Targeting and grouping based on the individual
  • Offers analytics and conversion tracking in real time

PushEngage is a platform for sending push notifications that makes it easy for customers and businesses to talk to each other. It is one of the best notification services because it lets businesses send personalized notifications, increase engagement, and boost conversions with its easy-to-use user interface and complex targeting options. PushEngage’s powerful features help you stay in touch with your audience and improve your marketing plan. Currently, this is one of the best Push Notification Services you can consider now.


  • The interface is easy to use, and setting it up is simple.
  • You can use A/B testing to improve the performance of push notifications.
  • Allows notifications to be sent based on how a user acts.


  • Prices can be high for websites with a lot of traffic.
  • There isn’t much support for marketing through channels other than push notifications.


Best Push Notification Services


  • Personalized push notifications are part of a customer engagement and retention platform.
  • Helps with advanced targeting and grouping
  • It offers analytics, A/B testing, and mapping of the customer journey.

CleverTap is one of the best push notification platforms that gives businesses the ability to send mobile messages that are both personalized and interesting. With CleverTap’s segmentation and advanced analytics tools, you can make sure that the right users get messages at the right time and to the right people. It is one of the push notification service providers that change the way people interact with businesses and help them grow and keep customers through seamless platform integration. Overall, this is one of the best Push Notification Services you can consider now.


  • Analytics and reporting tools that are more advanced.
  • Powerful ways to divide and target groups.
  • Offers marketing automation for all channels, not just push notifications.


  • The prices are higher than those of some other services.
  • The complex set of features makes it harder for new users to learn.


Best Push Notification Services


  • Infrastructure for push notifications in real time
  • Web and mobile apps can get updates right away.
  • Provides SDKs to make it easy to integrate.
  • Offers ways for messages to be sent to specific users

Pusher is a well-known service for sending messages to web and mobile apps in real time. Pusher’s solid infrastructure and easy-to-use API make it possible for developers to add push notifications to their apps. It is a top choice for companies that want to easily communicate with users because it is reliable, scalable, and has many features. Thus, this is one of the best Push Notification Services you can consider now.


  • Getting push notifications in real time.
  • Integration with different programming languages and frameworks is straightforward.
  • Infrastructure that can grow to support high-performance applications.


  • It doesn’t have as many marketing automation features as other services.
  • For implementation and customization, you may need to know how to code.


Best Push Notification Services


  • Personalized push notifications are available on a multichannel marketing automation platform.
  • Offers advanced targeting and segmentation, as well as workflow automation and user journey mapping

ebEngage is an all-in-one system for communicating with clients that uses push notifications. WebEngage lets businesses send customized push notifications, which improves customer retention and increases conversions thanks to its easy-to-use design and wide range of features. Its analytics features give useful information that can be used to improve campaigns, making it a go-to platform for effective ways to communicate. Overall, this is one of the best Push Notification Services you can consider now.


  • Full-service customer engagement platform that can send push notifications.
  • Offers marketing automation through multiple channels, such as email, SMS, and in-app messaging.
  • Targeting based on behaviour and more options for personalization.


  • The prices may be a turnoff for small businesses or new businesses.
  • The initial setup process can take a long time and be hard to understand.

How to Choose the Best Push Notification Service for Your Needs?

Several things need to be thought about carefully before you can choose the best push notification service for your needs. Here are some steps that will help you make a good choice:

Define your requirements:

Start by making it clear what you want to achieve and what you need from push notifications. Think about things like the target audience, the number of messages, the frequency of notifications, the customization options, the ability to integrate, and your budget.

Assess platform compatibility

Check to see if the push notification service is compatible with the platforms you want to reach, such as iOS, Android, web browsers, or other platforms. Make sure the service has the SDKs and APIs you need to integrate it with your app or website without any problems.

Notification types and formats:

Take a look at the different kinds of notifications the service can send. Look for things like support for rich media (images, videos), personalized messages, targeting based on location, scheduled notifications, and the ability to do A/B testing. Check to see if the service offers customizable templates for notifications and in-app messaging.


What are push notifications?

Push notifications are messages or alerts that an app or website sends directly to a user’s device, like a phone or computer. They show up as pop-ups, banners, or badges on the user’s screen and give information or ask them to do something.

What are push notification services?

Push notification services are platforms or companies that let businesses and developers send push notifications to their users or subscribers. Most of the time, these services have features like message scheduling, audience targeting, analytics, and personalization that help push notifications work better.

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