Top 6 Free Remote Access Tools for Connecting to Mac

This list is about the Top 6 Free Remote Access Tools for Connecting to Mac. We will try our best so that you understand this list Top 6 Free Remote Access Tools for Connecting to Mac. I hope you like this list Top 6 Free Remote Access Tools for Connecting to Mac. So lets begin:

Quick Info about: Top 6 Free Remote Access Tools for Connecting to Mac

A remote access software can be useful in many scenarios. Basically, remote access software applications are used to gain access to another (connected) system to provide technical support, open files, or perform other important actions. Interestingly, there are many remote access applications that you can use on macOS computers, but not all of them are available for free. Arguably the most important tool for any technical team is Mac remote control. That’s right, remote access is an invaluable feature that has become more necessary in recent years.

As organizations increasingly embrace a hybrid remote working model, it’s important for IT teams to be able to access Macs anywhere in the world. Even if all of your computers are on-site, you can save a lot of time by helping a user remotely while sitting at your own desk. Maybe you’re an office away, across town, or on the other side of the world. For decades, the solution to this has been an ever-changing mix of remote access software that can reduce network complexity and allow you to remotely control or monitor a computer. Newer variants can pass audio in and out, transfer files, and provide remote access to peripherals.

Here is the list of the best free remote access tools to connect to Mac


The DWService tool, a free piece of software that gives you remote access to MacBooks. It is an open source application that runs through a web browser. DWService has a simple client application that you need to install on the remote system so that you can access the system from another MacBook using a web interface.

The DWService client application is also available for Windows and Linux. Interestingly, this remote access tool has a clean interface with many remote access tools arranged in places. Also, this software supports file transfers and command line access.

Zoho Support

Zoho Assist is a versatile cloud-based remote desktop tool specifically designed to help you connect and help customers remotely. It is the ideal solution for fluid, web-based, on-demand customer support sessions. It enables you to securely and effortlessly access and manage desktops, laptops, servers, and mobile devices to troubleshoot customer issues and provide timely support.

In addition, it guarantees security and privacy. At the same time, it works smoothly and the interface is easy to navigate. Aside from that, it also allows employees to access office systems while working remotely, which can be incredibly useful for remote teams. Also, help desk can use Zoho to troubleshoot multiple computers at the same time.

get screen

Getscreen is a free remote access tool that runs through web browsers. It is compatible with all major operating systems such as Linux, Windows, and macOS. Also, this remote desktop tool offers many free features. The free versions only allow you to connect 2 desktops; If you want to connect more, you need to upgrade your account.

Also, you can connect and record what is happening on the remote system. However, this feature is only available in the premium versions. Getscreen supports the use of plugins/extensions, HTTP API integrations, and Agent SDKs. It is a feature-rich utility that you can rely on.


This remote access tool is open source and free to use. It has a macOS client app that you can install on your MacBooks to connect. UltraVNC accesses connected systems over the Internet or network. Supports file transfers, clipboard sharing, and text chats. Also, UltraVNC allows you to boot into safe mode and connect to the server. You can also use your mouse and keyboard to remotely control connected systems.

As an open source utility, there is no premium version for this remote access software. You would use it for free forever. However, you can only install the client app on MacBooks, the server must be hosted on a Windows PC.

Chrome Remote Desktop

Here’s another free tool you can use to connect to MacBooks remotely. Chrome Remote Desktop is available for free on macOS platforms. It provides a single interface to access files and documents on another system.

Also, Chrome Remote Desktop supports screen sharing; Also, it runs very fast and uses the latest web technologies. This remote access software offers greater convenience to access and run programs from any system at any time. It is based on Google’s cutting-edge technology, WebRTC. Also, this tool can connect to smartphones, iOS.

TeamViewer for macOS

TeamViewer is the first choice of almost every company. You can also use this software program to access your data from servers and mobile phones. You can set up permanent unattended remote access to mobile devices (except computers and servers). Next, you can also share your screen on iPhones and iPads.

A mobile-to-mobile connection with TeamViewer is also possible. You can send text messages, take screenshots and control processes on compatible devices. It is available for all major platforms including Linux, Raspberry Pi, Chrome OS, and iOS.

Final remarks: Top 6 Free Remote Access Tools for Connecting to Mac

I hope you understand and like this list Top 6 Free Remote Access Tools for Connecting to Mac. If your answer is no, you can ask anything via the contact forum section related to this article. And if your answer is yes then please share this list with your family and friends.

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