How to Customize Home Screen on Nintendo Switch

If you are a serious player on the Nintendo Switch and have downloaded a big number of games, you may discover that it is rather tough to clear up the home screen and simply access the various pieces of content. This is because there is a lot of content on the home screen. Because of this, we have provided some of the potential options that you should follow down below in order to change the theme and customise the home screen on the Nintendo Switch console. You can find these solutions by clicking on the links in the previous sentence.

Even if the game library on your Switch can be easily customised to reflect your preferences, the library must still be structured in the appropriate manner. It is also essential to point out that, in comparison to other gaming platforms such as the PlayStation 5 or the Xbox One, the personalisation options that are accessible via the Nintendo Switch are somewhat more fundamental and confined. There are no manual themes or user-customizable wallpapers available for use on the Switch. In addition, the Switch does not offer access to any folders or categories of content that may be stored on it.

How to Change the Nintendo Switch Color Scheme

Nintendo has never been into themes a lot. While Microsoft and Sony made it easy to customise their Xbox and PlayStation systems by adding dynamic themes and wallpapers, Nintendo was slower to catch on.

The 3DS was not the same. You could buy themes and use them. A lot of them were based on well-known Nintendo figures. The Wii U, Nintendo’s next system, didn’t let you change anything, which was a shame. That’s what the Switch does. The Switch has a colour scheme that you can change, but it’s not very good.

To get to Themes, go to System Settings from the home screen and scroll down. You can pick Basic Black or Basic White here. Pick a colour, then press A to use it. This will change the main colour of the display all over the system, even in places like Albums and News.

There is also a choice called Change Display Colours in System Settings, which is in the System section. Here you can change the colour mode to Grayscale, Invert Colours, or Default. In a technical sense, this does change how the UI looks. That being said, it changes the way everything looks, even your games, so only use this setting if you need to for usability reasons.

How to Remove Games From the Nintendo Switch Home Screen

Only 32 GB of storage is built into the Switch and Switch Lite. The OLED has 64 GB of storage, but some of that is set aside for the system. That won’t hold many games. You can easily add more room by using microSD cards, which lets you download as many games as you want.

  1. If you download too many games, though, the extra space might get annoying, especially if you’re done with a game or don’t want to play it anymore. Getting rid of games will clean up the home screen and game library.
  2. Pick out the game tile to do this. To get to the menu, press + on the right Joy-Con. Choose Data Management, then Delete Software, and finally Delete.
  3. When you remove a game, the files on your console are erased, but your buy is still safe. Plus, it will remember where you saved your game, so you won’t lose any progress. In case you’re not done with the game yet and want to come back to it later, this is a great way to do it.
  4. You can still get the games from the eShop for free again. First, open the eShop. Then, find your name icon in the upper right corner and click on Redownload.

Final Words

These are all the several ways that you can personalise the user interface on the Nintendo Switch right now, regardless of whether you own the Nintendo Switch, Switch Lite, or Switch OLED. It is hoped that Nintendo would, in the future, update the system to allow for more customisation, similar to what it did with the 3DS; however, it does not look hopeful that this will happen.

Now that your Switch is customised to appear the way you want it to, you shouldn’t be scared to investigate the further capabilities of your console. Play some incredible games while you tinker with the settings, get some accessories, and shop for more.

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