How to Use iPhone Calendar

In this article we will try to teach you how Use Calendar in iPhone. Apple’s Calendar app is a relatively easy iPhone or iPad app to use, but it still takes some time to figure out when to start. You can add multiple calendars, share events, set alarms and more to organize your daily activities. Although some seniors still appreciate a pocket diary to keep track of their appointments, more and more people are switching to digital diaries. Apps like the iPhone calendar make the shift fairly intuitive as the app is modeled to look and work like a traditional calendar. Plus, since our smartphones are usually with us, it’s a great tool for active seniors who need to keep track of their busy schedules on the go! You can keep track of your doctor appointments, plans with friends, and family visits all in one place.

This calendar guide to using Apple Calendar, also known online as iCal, will show you how to start using this digital calendar on your Apple devices. This includes your MacBook calendar, iPhone calendar, iPad calendar, and Apple Watch calendar. Getting started includes learning to create a calendar in the calendar tool, including multiple versions for work, life, and family, to use in 2020 and beyond. Below we have mention the Use iPhone Calendar.

How to get the most out of iPhone Calendar App

View calendar

There are several ways to look at your schedule, each perfectly suited to a different occasion. First, tap the arrow in the top left to zoom out, then click on what you want to see in more detail. To get an overview of all upcoming events in order, tap on the rectangle with two lines below it.

To add the calendar app to your widgets (the list of apps that appears when you swipe right on the lock screen), scroll to the very bottom of your widgets, then tap Edit. From there you can add the calendar by tapping the green +. To bring it to the top of the list, find the three horizontal lines next to “Calendar”, hold them and drag them to place the app where you want it. “Up Next” is a widget that combines calendar and clock for additional information.

Set the time

You can choose to make this an all day event or schedule it for a specific time. If you want to set up a notification for the event (a push notification to remind you of the event), choosing a start time makes this a little easier.

After choosing a start and end time, you can also tap “Repeat” to create multiple events like this one. This is great for bill reminders, weekly activities, and many other things. You can choose many different patterns, e.g. B. every two weeks, every three days and once a month on the third Wednesday.

Receive alerts

You can only set reminders at certain intervals. For example, if you have a conference call at 2:00 a.m., there is no way to set up a one-minute alert. Instead, you have a few options:

  • If you have provided an address for the event, you can be notified when it’s time to leave (based on current traffic conditions).
  • Get notified at start time
  • Or choose from a few other options like 15 minutes, 30 minutes, or an hour earlier.

Hack the Location field

The second field might be labeled “Location,” but this is the perfect field for additional notes you want to have easily accessible – anything from an actual location to a reminder like “Wear a nice shirt.”

The calendar is connected to Apple Maps, so entering a real street address creates a link that is compatible with Maps and other mapping programs.

Create an Event

The + sign in the top-right corner of the Calendar app gets you started. Enter information such as the meeting title and other required details. Note that you can use this to set up reminders for yourself, e.g. B. “Pick up recipes” or “Call Bob”. It doesn’t have to be a real meeting.

Final Words

We hope our article on ways to use iPhone calendar app will help you and resolve all your problems. iPhone default calendar is one of the best Calendar app that you can use in your smartphone. There are several features in this calendar app that you can use to manage your date and time. If you want to know how to use calendar app in iPhone then follow the steps mentioned above.

I hope you understand this article, How to Use iPhone Calendar.

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