How to View Websites in Desktop Mode on iPhone

A step-by-step guide to enabling desktop mode on iPhone.

If you View Websites in Desktop Mode on iPhone is unable to properly display a website, you can easily request the desktop version of the site using the feature that Apple provides called Request Desktop Site. Despite the fact that this practice isn’t nearly as common as it was in the past, it’s still a useful tip to have in your back pocket.

This is especially important to keep in mind when it comes to websites that require users to fill out forms, which do not always translate well to mobile versions. Requesting the desktop version of a website while using a mobile device can cause additional issues of its own, as certain features of the mobile version of the website may not function properly. In the event that you experience difficulties, however, switching back to the mobile version is very simple.

How to View Websites in Desktop Mode on iPhone

  1. iPhone or iPad, open the Safari app.
  2. Open the URL of the site for which you want a desktop version.
  3. Tap the “AA” symbol in the URL bar.
  4. Choose the option that says “Request Desktop Website” from the list.

Benefits of Using Desktop Mode on iPhone

  • Access to all features and settings: Some websites have features and settings that are only available on the desktop version. If you look at the website in “desktop mode,” you can use all of the settings and features it has to offer.
  • More space on the screen: Since the iPhone’s screen isn’t very big, it can be hard to see websites in mobile mode. By viewing websites in desktop mode, you can take advantage of the iPhone’s bigger screen and have more room to see the content.
  • Getting better results: Some websites might work better on a computer than on a phone. This is because the website’s desktop version is usually made to use more of the device’s resources.
How to View Websites in Desktop Mode on iPhone
  • More compatibility: The mobile browser on the iPhone may not work with all websites. Most of the time, you can get around this problem by viewing the site in desktop mode.

Security Considerations When Enabling Desktop Mode

  • Phishing attacks: Phishing attacks are a type of cyberattack where the attacker tries to trick the victim into giving them personal information, like their username and password. Most of the time, these attacks happen through emails or websites that look like they came from a real source. When you use desktop mode on a mobile device, you should be extra careful about clicking on links or entering personal information.
  • Malware attacks: Malware is computer software that is designed to harm a computer system. Malware can get on a device in many ways, like when you click on a malicious link, open an infected attachment, or download a file from a source you don’t trust. Make sure your security software is up to date and that you only download apps from trusted sources when you use desktop mode on a mobile device.
  • Data loss: When you use desktop mode, you give the website access to more of your device’s resources, such as your files and browsing history. This means that there is a higher chance that data will be lost if the website is hacked. To keep your information safe, you should only use websites you know and trust, and you should be careful about what information you put on them.


Why does desktop site not work on iPhone?

Since some websites are only meant to be seen in desktop view mode, it could be a problem if the user’s device is set to landscape mode. So, to fix the problem with Chrome’s “Request desktop Site” option, turn off the Orientation Lock on your iPhone and then turn it around.

Why can’t i request desktop site on my iPhone?

If “Request Desktop Site” in Chrome doesn’t work on your iPhone, turn off “Portrait Orientation Lock” and turn your phone around. Swipe down from the top right corner of your iPhone and tap the padlock icon to turn off the Orientation Lock. At the top of your screen, you should see a message that says “Portrait Orientation Lock: Off.”

What does request desktop site mean?

When a website is looked up on a mobile browser on a smartphone, if there is a mobile version of the site, it will be brought up. The user doesn’t have much choice in the matter. But because mobile sites may have less information, the iPhone and Android browsers now have a “Request Desktop Site” option.

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