How to Make TNT in Minecraft: 4 Easy Steps

TNT is a must-have for any Minecraft player. Here's how to craft it in just a few steps

In Minecraft, Make TNT is a destructive block that can destroy the environment around it. The simplest way to obtain TNT is through crafting, which is also the only way to obtain it. In order to craft TNT, you will need 5 blocks of gunpowder and 4 blocks of sand. When the crafting table is opened, fill each box in the 3×3 grid with either sand or gunpowder, starting with gunpowder in the first box.

TNT will become active once it has been supplied with power by a lever, a Redstone torch, a button, a pressure plate, or any other type of activator. It is only after being activated that it is subject to gravity, and it is able to fall approximately seventy blocks before it detonates. When it is surrounded by water or lava, it will not destroy any blocks, but it will deal damage to anything that is within its blast radius.

There is a certain kind of satisfaction to be gained from seeing an incredible Minecraft world and then destroying it to smithereens. The explosion by itself is powerful enough to punch a hole in the wall of your home, but if you combine hundreds of them, you have the potential to bring the entire world to its knees. When using TNT, exercise extreme caution and ensure that you are only employing it in the areas in which you intend to do so.

What Is TNT in Minecraft?

Trinitrotoluene is what TNT stands for. That block could go off and do a lot of damage. You should be careful when you use it because it’s easy to destroy things you don’t want to. There are several ways to set off TNT in MC once it has been placed. As for how long the fuse lasts, it could be anywhere from ten (0.5 seconds) to forty Redstone ticks (two seconds).

Everyone, every mob, every block, and every item nearby will take damage from the four-power explosion that follows. When the blocks are destroyed, they will either drop themselves or the items they hold. So if you want to explore and download Minecraft game, you can go and check the official website

Where to Find TNT

It’s not often that you’ll find TNT in Minecraft, but it’s very important to know where it does appear. There is good loot to be found in desert pyramids, but they can also be dangerous. At the very bottom of every desert pyramid is a TNT trap just waiting for you to set it off. It’s simple to do that and lose all your progress. So be careful when you go into a pyramid.

How to Make TNT in Minecraft

Collect Gunpowder

Gunpowder is the first thing we will use to make TNT. These can be found in drops from some creepers, ghats, and monsters. But you can also find them in loot chests in deserts, temples, dungeons, mansions in the woods, and shipwrecks. Still, a creeper farm is the best way to make money while looking for gunpowder. You can make TNTs from the gunpowder that a creeper drops when you kill it.

Visit a desert

To find regular sand next, we need to go to biomes like deserts or beaches. For the TNT recipe, you need a lot of sand when you use the shulker boxes.

Make TNT in Minecraft

  1. First, make a crafting table in Minecraft and put it on the ground.
  2. Now, right-click on the crafting table to get to it so we can start making things.
  3. Then, in the crafting grid, you need to arrange five pieces of gunpowder in an X shape.
  4. Finally, you need to put four red or regular sand blocks in each empty cell and then put them on the crafting table. Please look at the picture I’ve attached to get an idea of where to put things.

Activate TNT Block in Minecraft

  1. Redstone Signal: To set off a TNT block, you can put a Redstone power source next to it or power a block that is attached to it.
  2. Use fire to blow up the TNT block: You can light the TNT block on fire by firing at it with a weapon. You can also put the block next to lava to set off TNT.
  3. Use Flame Minecraft Enchantments: Each arrow can be turned into a flame with a flame Minecraft enchantment. The arrow can also be shot through a lava block to light it up.

Advanced TNT Crafting Recipes

  • TNT with Creeper Head: This recipe creates a TNT block that explodes with the force of a creeper. To make this recipe, you will need 1 creeper head and 4 TNT blocks.
How to Make TNT in Minecraft
  • TNT with Ghast Tear: This recipe creates a TNT block that explodes with a purple flame. To make this recipe, you will need 1 ghast tear and 4 TNT blocks.
  • TNT with Ender Pearl: This recipe creates a TNT block that teleports a short distance before exploding. To make this recipe, you will need 1 ender pearl and 4 TNT blocks.
  • TNT with Chorus Fruit: This recipe creates a TNT block that explodes in all directions. To make this recipe, you will need 1 chorus fruit and 4 TNT blocks.
  • TNT with Dragon Breath: This recipe creates a TNT block that explodes with a cloud of dragon breath. To make this recipe, you will need 1 dragon breath and 4 TNT blocks.


Be careful when you use TNT in Minecraft. It can be fun and useful. It’s important to be careful when using TNT because it can hurt your character and do a lot of damage to buildings. It’s usually used to mine for a lot of resources or set off controlled explosions for different game purposes. Have fun messing around with TNT, but don’t forget to be safe!


What is the strongest TNT in Minecraft?

Super TNT is the most powerful TNT Bomb there is. Common TNT, Strong TNT, and Advanced TNT can’t hurt it as much as this one. It can also destroy harder blocks and make the biggest hole.

How much area can a TNT destroy?

In Minecraft, TNT is a block that can blow up several blocks at once. With only four seconds to spare, TNT goes off, so players should make sure they put it somewhere it won’t blow them or their creations up. Anything that gets in the way of TNT will go off, and the blast radius is 5 meters.

Can TNT break Netherite blocks?

In Minecraft, it is a type of material block that cannot be destroyed by standard explosions. Therefore, you are able to make use of TNT to clean up its surroundings without resulting in the destruction of ancient debris and, as a result, netherite..

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