How to Turn on Pinterest Dark Mode on Any Device

Learn how to turn on Pinterest Dark Mode on any device, including phones, tablets, and computers.

In this article we will discuss about the how to how to Turn on Pinterest Dark Mode on Any Device. A dark mode is becoming an increasingly popular and desirable feature for digital user interfaces. Its advantages include alleviating eye strain and extending the battery life of displays that use OLED technology. You are probably using Pinterest for your business or personal branding if you are the owner of a website, a digital marketer, a blogger, or even if you are an aspiring SEO expert.

Because of the emphasis placed on appearance on this platform, simply switching to dark mode can significantly improve the quality of the user experience. You will not only learn how to enable this feature on a variety of devices by reading this in-depth guide, but you will also learn why switching to dark mode on Pinterest might be an important thing for the things you do on the platform.

What is Pinterest?

“Visual discovery engine” is what Pinterest’s help pages call it. It’s interesting that this fits perfectly. It makes it easy to find the pictures you need for any project, like mood boards, cooking recipes, and more. It’s still popular because it’s easy to use and doesn’t require much skill. wemean, you could scroll for hours on end. You can use this social media site to connect with other people. But not all of them do. More often than not, people use it to get ideas for things like fashion, travel, and decorating their homes.

HomeThis is your main feed where you can see Pins from the people and boards you follow, as well as trending Pins.
SearchThis is where you can search for Pins on specific topics.
BoardsBoards are a way to organize your Pins into different categories. You can create your own boards or follow boards created by other users.
PinsPins are visual representations of ideas that you can save to your boards. Pins can include images, videos, and GIFs.
ProfileThis is where you can view your own Pins and boards, as well as the Pins and boards that you have saved.
MessagesThis is where you can send and receive messages from other users.
NotificationsThis is where you can see notifications about activity on your account, such as new followers, likes, and comments.
Download on Google Play Store and iOS Store

How to Turn on Pinterest Dark Mode on Phone

On Android

  1. On your Android phone or tablet, open the Pinterest app and tap on your profile in the bottom right corner.
  2. Find the three dots in the upper right corner of your profile page and click on them. Then, tap on Settings.
  3. Click on Account Settings on the page with settings.
  4. To use Pinterest in dark mode, tap on App theme and then pick the dark theme.

On iPhone

  1. Find the settings app on your iPhone or iPad and open it. This will turn on the dark theme.
  2. Press the Display & Brightness button on the settings page.
  3. If you go to “Appearance” and click on “Dark Theme,” your device will turn dark.
  4. The dark theme will be there when you open the Pinterest app.

How to Turn on Pinterest Dark Mode on Desktop

  1. After getting the extension you want, go to and log in to your account.
  2. To use night mode on Pinterest, click the extension and then go to the site. It’s going to get dark.

Importance of Dark Mode for User Experience

  • Less strain on the eyes. Dark mode can help your eyes feel better, especially when you’re using a device in low light. The reason for this is that dark mode makes the screen give off less blue light. Blue light has been shown to stop the production of melatonin, which can make it hard to sleep.
How to Turn on Pinterest Dark Mode on Any Device
  • Longer battery life. When you use an OLED screen, dark mode can also help the battery last longer. This is because black OLED pixels don’t give off light.
  • Better contrast. It’s also possible to make text and images stand out more by switching to dark mode.
  • Not as much glare. Dark mode can also cut down on screen glare, which makes it easier to use devices when it’s bright outside.
  • Looks better now. Some people just like how dark mode looks better.

Benefits of Using Dark Mode on Pinterest

  • Less strain on the eyes. When you’re using Pinterest in low light, dark mode can help keep your eyes from getting tired. The reason for this is that dark mode makes the screen give off less blue light. Blue light has been shown to stop the production of melatonin, which can make it hard to sleep.
  • Longer battery life. When you use an OLED screen, dark mode can also help the battery last longer. This is because black OLED pixels don’t give off light.
  • Better contrast. It’s also possible to make text and images stand out more by switching to dark mode.
  • Not as much glare. The dark mode can also cut down on screen reflections, which can make it easier to use Pinterest when it’s bright outside.
  • Looks better now. Some people just like how dark mode looks better.


How do I unlock dark mode?

To do that on all of your gadgets, follow these steps: To use the Dark theme in Windows 10, go to Settings > Personalisation > Colours and pick it from the drop-down menu. In Windows 11, go to Settings > System > Personalisation and choose a theme. You can also change the system colours.

Which app has dark mode?

Google finally added dark mode to the Gmail app after teasing it for way too long. If you have the most recent version of Gmail, dark mode will be turned on automatically when you set your Android 10 to dark. You can also go to the app’s settings, find General Settings > Theme, and pick Dark from the list.

Can I force an app into dark mode?

For Force Dark to work, apps must set android:forceDarkAllowed=”true” in the theme of the activity of the app. This property is set on all of the light themes that come with AndroidX and the system, like Theme.

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The Bollyinside editorial staff is made up of tech experts with more than 10 years of experience Led by Sumit Chauhan. We started in 2014 and now Bollyinside is a leading tech resource, offering everything from product reviews and tech guides to marketing tips. Think of us as your go-to tech encyclopedia!


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