WhatsApp: How to Send Photos as Document on iPhone and Android

Follow these steps to Send Photos as Document on iPhone and Android in WhatsApp

In WhatsApp: How to Send Photos as Document on iPhone and Android- Who wouldn’t want to use WhatsApp to send high-quality images that don’t lose their resolution? You probably want to if you are reading this. So, we have good news for you! You can make sure your photos look great and keep their quality if you send them as documents instead of image files.

So why send blurry or low-quality images when you can send documents that are clear and sharp? How send photos as documents through WhatsApp? Did you know that when you send a file through WhatsApp, it automatically gets smaller? Even though this helps with speed and connectivity and saves space and data, the quality will suffer.

In fact, you could lose as much as 98% of the quality of the original photo. This is not the best option if you need high-definition or raw images for work or editing. But don’t worry, there is a way to fix it. Visit the Google Play store if you want to download this app.

Why send Photos as a document using Whatsapp?

When you use Whatsapp built-in ways to share photos with your contacts, the photos are compressed. This saves data, speeds up the time it takes to connect, and even frees up space on your devices. But this image compression is done automatically, which means that high-resolution photos can lose a lot of details.

As this compression can go up to 98%, it might not be the best choice if you want to share RAW or HD images in a professional setting. When this happens, you can send your pictures as a document through Whatsapp. If you send images as a document, you can send them in their original format and quality, as long as they don’t go over the 16MB limit that Whatsapp has for sharing.

Benefits of Sending Photos as Documents on WhatsApp

  • Send Multiple Files: If you choose to send your photos in the form of documents, you will have the ability to send multiple files at once. Because of this, you won’t have to send each file separately, which will save you both time and effort.
  • Security: Sending photos as attachments to documents, rather than as images, provides a higher level of security. When you send a photo to a recipient in the form of a document, the recipient will not be able to access or view the photo until they have downloaded and opened the document.
WhatsApp: How to Send Photos as Document on iPhone and Android
  • Compatibility: Sending photos as attachments to documents ensures that they are compatible across a wide range of computing platforms and operating systems. This ensures that the recipient is able to open the file regardless of the device or operating system they are utilizing.
  • Organization: When photos are sent as attachments to documents, the files can be more neatly organized. When you are dealing with a large number of files, it is easier to keep track of files that are sent as documents rather than images. This is especially true when the number of files is high.

How to Send Photos as Document in WhatsApp on Android and iPhone

  1. Open WhatsApp.
  2. Open the chat with the contact you want to send the photo to.
  3. Tap on the Attachment icon.
  4. Tap on Document.
  5. Select the photo you want to send.
  6. Tap on Send.


We hope you learned how to send images as documents on WhatsApp from the article above. Whether you have an Android phone or an iPhone, the above ways can help you send high-quality pictures over WhatsApp.


Can you send pictures as document on WhatsApp iPhone?

Just open the picture and pick the WhatsApp contact you want to send it to. Now, choose Document instead of Photo and choose the image file you want to share for Files. All done. The picture will be sent as a file that hasn’t been compressed.

What is the limit of document sharing on WhatsApp?

If you choose the image, video, or audio option, you can only share files up to 16 MB on the platforms. If you use the WhatsApp Documents feature, you can send files that are up to 2GB in size. How? Here’s how.

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