Apple Translate vs Google Translate: which is the best tool?

Apple Translate is an app for iOS devices that lets you translate text. It lets people translate text and speech between different languages, even when they are not connected to the internet. The app can translate between 15 languages through text and 13 languages through voice. Apple Translate puts a lot of focus on privacy because all translations are done on the device itself, not on a server somewhere else.

Google Translate is a well-known online translation service that Google made. It works with more than 100 different languages and can translate text, speech, images, and even whole websites. Google Translate uses machine learning algorithms to provide accurate translations. It also has features like voice input, handwriting recognition, and real-time camera translation. It also has apps for both iOS and Android mobile devices.

Apple Translate vs Google Translate: Comparison Table

FeatureApple TranslateGoogle Translate
Languages supported15 languages (text), 13 (voice)Over 100 languages
Offline supportYesYes
PrivacyEmphasizes privacy, all translations are processed on deviceMay use data for machine learning improvement
User interfaceSimple and easy to useUser-friendly with more features and options
AccuracyGood, but not as advanced as GoogleVery accurate with machine learning algorithms
Additional featuresNoneVoice input, handwriting recognition, camera translation, website translation, etc.
Platforms supportediOSWeb, iOS, Android, and Chrome extension
Official LinkVisit WebsiteVisit Website

Apple Translate vs Google Translate User Experience

Apple Translate vs Google Translate

When you choose an app, you’ll want to have a good time using it. If you have to use something that feels awkward, you’ll end up using it less than you would have otherwise. Google Translate and Apple Translate are both pretty good at what they do. But many people will feel that Google Translate is more up-to-date.

The app looks cleaner, and it’s easy to move from one menu to another. However, Apple Translate also does a good job with this last point. Using Google Translate makes it much easier to change your settings from within the app.

Apple Translate vs Google Translate Language Support

In this part, Google Translate is the clear winner. Since Apple just put out this new translation app, it only works with 11 languages for now. These languages are Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish.

Google Translate, on the other hand, works with most of the most important languages in the world. You can translate between 103 languages right now, which is something Apple won’t be able to do for at least a few years. Still, there are some details you should remember.

Only 43 of the 103 languages that can be used can have conversations in two languages at the same time. Keep this in mind, even though it is still more than Apple’s 11 languages. The 103 languages are only used to translate text, not to translate conversations in real time.

Apple Translate is now available with 11 languages, and it can translate both text and real-time conversations in two languages. In the future, Apple will add more languages. But since we are comparing them now and not in the future, Google wins this round.

Apple Translate vs Google Translate Other Features

Since Apple Translate is still pretty new, it doesn’t have many features. You can type or talk to translate text. On the other hand, Google Translate has been around for years and has a lot more ways to enter text. You can translate not only text and speech, but also the text in images by capturing or importing photos. It can also read your handwriting, so you can draw text characters instead of typing them.

You can save phrases in both Google Translate and Apple Translate, which makes it easier to find the most-used phrases. But Google syncs the phrasebook between the app and the desktop, which gives it an edge over Apple Translate, which doesn’t seem to have a desktop app right now. I also love the copy button, which makes it easy for me to copy the phrase that has been translated.

Also, Google Translate works on all kinds of devices. So, you can use it on both an Android and an iOS phone. Apple Translate is only for iOS, so you can’t do this with it. Google Translate is the best if you look at how many things it can do.

Apple Translate vs Google Translate Translation Accuracy

You may have noticed that Chrome’s translate page feature doesn’t always do a great job if the sentences aren’t simple. Both apps have the same problem. It looks like machines don’t like sentences that are hard to understand.

So, if you use simple sentences with few words, both Google Translate and Apple Translate will do the same good job. Of course, the accuracy of translation can vary from one language to the next, but it’s safe to assume that both languages have access to the same grammar rules and vocabularies. In terms of how well they translate, there is no way to tell the difference between the two.

Apple Translate vs Google Translate Cross-Device Options

Apple Translate vs Google Translate

Some people think it’s important to know where else you can use Apple Translate or Google Translate. Google Translate gives you more options in this way. You can use the service not only on iPads and Macs, but also on Android and Windows devices. You will need to use the web app on your computer, though.

On the other hand, Apple Translate is not very good. You can use the service on your iPhone and iPad, but not on your Mac, either as a separate app or through your browser. You can, however, replace it with other tools. You can also use other tools, like asking Siri to change certain phrases and words, to translate languages on your Apple Watch.

Apple Translate: Pros and Cons


  • No cost to use
  • Can translate text and speech from one language to another
  • Synced with other Apple devices and apps


  • Compared to other translation apps, it doesn’t have as many language options.
  • Not as easy to use as some other translation apps

Google Translate: Pros and Cons


  • Offers translation in a huge number of languages
  • Some languages can be used offline.
  • Users can suggest changes and corrections to translations.


  • Some features can only be used on the Internet.
  • Concerns about privacy with the way Google collects data

Which one should you consider?

Even though Google Translate is still the best app for translating, I’d keep an eye on Apple Translate. Even more so if I am using a lot of Apple products. It looks good, and I think it will grow very quickly. Most Apple users will stick with the default app, which will help Apple learn more about how its products are used and what people think of them. Then, the development team will be able to quickly add more features like those in the Google Translate app.

Don’t forget that Google almost shut down the API services for the Translate app in 2011. They got a lot of criticism and pushback for this, so Google decided to keep the API service but charge for it. So it’s good that you have another option.


Does Apple have equivalent of Google Translate?

Apple Translate works system-wide on the iPhone and iPad, and Google has built translation into Android, Google Search, Google Lens, ChromeOS, and other products. Microsoft has also added the translator to Bing, Windows 11, Edge browsers, Teams, etc.

Is Apple Translate better then Google Translate?

Again, it’s not a big problem, but Android users may take a while to get used to it. Overall, the design of Apple Translate is more pleasing to the eye than that of Google Translate.

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